Lunch & Learn

Free Interactive Webinar

Healthy Habits for Vibrant Living!

July 20, 2023 | Noon-1:30pm | Zoom

We will unpack the 6 healthy habits that I believe can help you to discover the vibrant and purposeful life you desire to live.

·      Want to spend more quality time with your family (kids, grandkids)?

·      Want to focus on living and not on being sick?

·      Want to spend time traveling or on your hobbies and enjoy what you’re doing?

·      Do you just want to feel better and less consumed by your health issues?

Come and let me share these 6 habits with you. You can then evaluate how you are doing in these areas and then we’ll discuss suggestions and recommendations on how to live proactively and preventatively.

Once you’ve registered you’ll receive a free downloadable info sheet to follow along with as we go through the 6 habits.

There will be a special offer at the end of the session that you won’t want to miss!

Register now to reserve your seat: