Meet Annette
As a legally blind, Type 1 diabetic since the age of 2 years, I understand the challenges, struggles and heartache of living with a chronic illness and disability. I also know what it takes to move beyond a diagnosis and come to the realization that we each have to own our health in order to move forward in life.
I have developed the “5 Principles of Health” to guide others into the independent, abundant life to find freedom in their wellness goals.
These principals are what I have lived out in my adult life and I truly believe they can change your life as you work through them.
I desire for people to discover what really makes them tick, what they believe and what their core motivations are that cause them to make the choices they make. Understanding these aspects of mind, body and spirit can bring someone to a much healthier and more fulfilled lifestyle.
Annette Mulligan
Certified Professional Coach
Professional Training/Presenter
30 years experience in Volunteer Engagement - Leadership & Development
MA Organizational Management
BA Religion
These qualifications give me an awareness of what it takes to motivate, encourage and support others towards making changes and seeing the future with a positive mindset.
Health & Wellness Coach (individual & group)
Workshop Trainer
Arbonne Independent Consultant
Patient Groups
Medical Professionals
Hospitals/Clinics/Wellness Centers
Faith-Based Options:
Available for coaching, workshops & retreats