Losing Sight, Gaining Vision

Often, we face terrifying challenges in life. The kind that causes us to feel overwhelmed and absolutely NOT able to think beyond the current crisis and fear.


This presentation is about my diagnosis of going blind at 21. While the doctors told me to “get ready to lose your sight”, I kept asking  how in the world do you do that?


A 40 year walk with visual disability has helped me gain insights to 3 very important questions which have aided me in the going blind process.

1.                        What is my why?

2.                        How will I survive this?

3.                        Who do I want to be as a result?

Has your business or organization gone through some very challenging events in the past several years? Have you experienced loss and disruption to your “normal” daily routine?


If so, this workshop will be very helpful for you. As we unpack the 3 questions and what your answers are will reveal  how it’s possible to be losing sight but at the same time gaining vision!

Lynne Mackey